The CBN includes Structure and Processing Features.

With the fast development of industry, construction materials and the most challenging components are becoming more frequently used which makes the machine tool an extremely difficult test that requires the creation of several good impact resistance, thermal stability, and excellent impact of the superhard cutting tool. CBN is a crucial instrument in the manufacture of high-hardness. It can be used for present and future heavy-metal equipment.
CBN insert faces stiff competition in the aerospace, automotive and medical industries and other areas. CBN inserts are able to be utilized on well-equipped metal machines. CBN also inserts lower production costs when development of products is feasible.
Formal structures such as CBN inserts fall in this category.
Solid CBN Insert:
The full cbn inserts particularly in the case of ferrous materials with less than 10% of ferrite, have outstanding wear and impact resistance. Future market share could increase as more people produce electricity.
CBN composite inserts:
CBN composites select the most suitable carbide substrate, the edge of CBN formed material, possess high wear resistance and are mostly used for finishing hard materials with genes that are greater than HRC45, and can achieve the original finish and dimension accuracy.
CBN Mosaic Installation:
CBN mosaic inserts are solid surface that is inserted into an amorphous carbide cement substrate which provides a large edge on one edge of the tool. CBN mosaic tools are less costly than a composite one and is able to be produced at the cutting edge, thus reducing the cost of production significantly. Control the combination knife to cut at a depth of less than 0.3mm and think about high-speed rotation to get Ra0.8-0.4 to reduce processing expenses.
CBN process characteristics include:
Ideal for working with material with high hardness.
Because CBN rough tools are the second level of hardness after diamond, CBN and diamond tools are very hard tools; CBN tools are especially for grinding heavy metals the hardness for part inspection is usually HRC45 or greater and the result of processing is incorrect if the hardness is lower than HRC45.
There is a lot of roughing
Due to Halnn superhard-constructed BN-S20 alloy is Integral CBN machine, the cutting depths can exceed 8mm, and it can use all inputs, and the production efficiency keeps increasing. CBN integral inserts are able to provide large rough surfaces.
High speed cutting:
The efficiency of pcbn turning inserts the ability to be completely cut with high speed and perhaps the full combination of CNC machines, greatly increases the cutting performance of work pieces.
Dry cutting:
CBN tools are extremely durable and have high endurance to heat in red; when they include cooling, their blades are easily broken when the temperature lowers. Therefore cbn inserts has a standard operating system utilizing drying equipment, in particular in the event of unintentional cutting. The dryer was not only an environment but also saved some money.
CBN Blade Setting is the most efficient method to create stainless steel materials. With the rising demand for CBN, the market part of CBN will slowly increase. CBN will be the principal ingredient in the hard metal processing industry.